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der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from scoobyrbac :Always go with Nvidia so..go with the 9600

This kind of mentality is.... let's say not the smartest.

-There are 70% Nvidia users in this forum maybe, 20 Ati, 10% rest/onboard/... stuff.
-Everyone seems to be quite happy with his choice.
-nvidia users would like to "help out" their favourite company, same for ati users.
-read 3-10 unbiased reviews and get the one of your choice, since you never have exactly the same system as they use in the tests, there might be slight differences anyway. So don't count every single frame, see how much a card would be worth for you and take the one that gives you the fastest pixel for the least money I'd say.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Thrustmaster Rally GT pro ffb has 3 pedals, you can get a 2 pedal version cheaper from ebay maybe.
On both wheels there are 2 shifter paddles AND 2 independant Axis paddles you can use to throttle and brake.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Please stay away from the "all/only Rockbands take drugs" topic. If someone tells this again, I'll tell you a loooong looong story, thus making the thread unreadable.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
There doesn't neccessarily have to be a big C on every skin file.
On the other hand you got the file as psd, so where did you get it from? I like people who at least ask for permission before they do anything with a skin... seen too many great skins (e.g. from master skinnerz like teazR) being ripped, then raped by stupid people :-)
IMO you can try and build your own skin that looks quite like the original, put some other lines and stuff on it and upload it, that way you have copied parts but not altered the skin itself.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Seen your replay too,

First your set is very... beginner friendly, it understeers a bit too much.
Then your left front tyre maybe has a bit too much negative camber... you won't need this on a track that turns mainly leftward.
Last but not least your brake balance is way to much biased to the front, put it back a few notches.
Your driving style is quite smooth (apart from the awful line), but it seems like you have a brake switch, not a pedal.. are you driving with mouse? If so, you should set your break power to something lowish.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Naa, just an idea on what to request next.... :-)

Please don't take this personal guys, don't discuss anything, but I'm getting tired of reading those threads and always holding myself back from posting the same every time...
I really really see that the community is growing every day, and let's say every 2nd licensed racer wants additional content. I don't know, maybe a few years ago when I joined, I also felt so close to the devs, and I wanted some new cars too :-)
Anyway, have fun, drive much, don't crash, stay nice!!


der butz feeling old :-)
der butz
S3 licensed
A cheese helmet
der butz
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Gentlefoot! Wish you the best of luck finding a great team!


der butz & the bunch
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :The BF1 in LFS gets started by a tribe of acrobatic gnomes. They are absolutely tiny. It's the same ones who hold the laptops up in the Blackwood pit.

When you join the pits they absail into the engine and start banging flint together to create a spark. I'm not sure of the entire process because the microscope doesn't reach that far in, but it always works.

Aah, GNOOOOMES you say :-)
After having made their sparks, are they then exiting the engine via the exhaust? Must be a great feeling for them... long long journey to work, destroying fingers and hands with Brimstone, getting pressurized by a giant piston then burnt like hell, just then being sucked out of the engine and flying through the air at the speed of sound....



der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Just out of curiosity... can you start the thing by letting it roll with engaged clutch, maybe in 2nd gear and suddenly releasing the clutch?
This would be the normal way to start a car with a flat battery.


der curiousbutz
der butz
S3 licensed

first you (member #1) need to find a girl that likes you. Then you could marry her (member #2), do some stuff I'm not allowed to post here and 9 months later you've got member #3........
Registration is done by the federal office or the like.

Have fun making a team!

der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Every pc compatible wheel is also compatible with lfs...


der butz (rgt pro ftw!)
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennisjr13 :Not everyone lives directly next to a drag strip. The nearest one to me is 1.5 hours on the highway. Gas is ridiculously expensive and to drive an hour and a half just to prove to a friend that his car is slow, is pointless.

That's why we all play computer games :-)
Quote :
Us teenagers are in a completely different situation from you adults.

Yes, and no... I'm 30 and not always an adult...
Quote :
We can't just leave the house and go to a different state to have some fun. Besides karting, there is very little open for a 16 year old like me and you can't just hop into any motor sport at that age.

That's right, but there are things you just can't do without being at a certain age and having some money. I loved car racing since I was 5, so did I go out and drive? naah :-) It's a bit of a stupid point, I hope you get me right here.
Quote :
I am not saying that street racing is moral and that it is perfectly, it is just an option that most teenagers choose as the pro's at that moment outweigh the cons.

Yep, teenagers tend to be more risky, but we have rules to show you youngsters that you (and everyone else) are NOT invincible, and some ideas might harm other people...
Quote :
I just wish you guys could understand that a teenager can't leave his house and drive for hours into a different state.

To be honest I don't get your point really. If I liked shooting I could get a weapon's license (VERY VERY HARD in europe), buy a gun and go to a shooting range.
I might as well talk to some "friend", get an uzi for 100 bucks (or steal "my dad's gun") and go downtown to play shooting games at noon. Don't you think this would be the stupidest thing to do?
I also don't drive to Hockenheim, tha A1 ring or somewhere else, being on a racetrack is ridiculously expensive here. But sometimes we all have to admit that most of us are just poor suckers and either we save our money until we can afford something special or we just dream of it and leave it be.

Hope you got my point here. Thanks for trying to discuss from a teenager's view and not just being a retard like that... other guy.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
So to join in the flame war...

You said you own a car you want to put elk-filters on... you've talked about getting more cars soon, racing around and "testing" racing games, you RACE around in your parent's car and you've got no money at all... sounds like a total lack of responsibility and brain.

or in other words:

You stupid prick, if the world or god or anyone would care, they'd have given you a brain first of all!

Some of my friends have died because of drunk driving, "street racing" and even being run over by a f***ing idiot like you!

I can't put into words what I feel about you and your kind at the moment....
Please please go play with something poisonous, jump off a building or do something that kills yourself instead of endangering anyone near you!

no greetz

EDIT: and by the looks of it... someone who doesn't care about anything and is using his parent's car to drive races on open streets doesn't look like he's still a "demoer"....
der butz
S3 licensed
This shows us once more that Formula 1, and especially Mr. Ecclestone don't have ANYTHING to do with sport, it's just plain, bonehard business!
It's not good nor ethically correct to get a very very poor country like India where people starve or have to live under poor conditions involved into such a money-making bombast! And that begins with building a racetrack...
The main reason for a night race would be to be able to broadcast live in europe at "f1 prime time".
It's the same as soccer, you just can't differ if they play in Sheffield at 1800 or San Francisco at 3 am because of the bright lights they've got.
Anyway, Bernie and all of the F1 organisation are businessmen and don't care shit about sports, period!

der BF1-hater butz

Ps: I've watched my last F1 race in 1994, after that I saw clearer :-(
der butz
S3 licensed
unofficial news of the week:

after some spontaneous beard shots butz has lost some positions, is now behind dru and moose, whos photo is yet to be seen :-)
Butz claims it was his girlfriend making him shave that thing off after 3 days, making it unbelievably hard to really grow more than some fluffy spikes!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Hehe, best of luck there too!
But lapping me a few times won't be very rewarding... Moose and the guys will take the car back to 1st everytime :-)
The FZR is a horribly brutal car to drive, I've got maybe 100 miles total driven distance on this car , 27 laps on BL1 :-)

greetz and see ya on feb. 9th!

der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Congratulations, Shaggy and DR!

I wish you all the best and I'm really looking forward to being lapped by one of you again :-)!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I like AS and BL because they remind me of early gt and f1 races I've seen.

Fern Bay could be some old but clean f1 track from the 60s with some bumps and something I'd like to call a "soul". If you like it, it likes you. Just stay away from the kerbs and you'll be okay.
Colourwise it seems the builders just took some sand from the near beach, put some cement in and there you go :-). And really: the colours of the kerbs should be the least thing to discuss about... get a dds-to-jpg-program and change what you don't like.

Blackwood is something different for me, IF people HAD enough money, they'd surely build this kind of track just to race small formula cars on them, or take their Lambos out for a spin. Unfortunately it's all about money nowadays, a short but wide track like BL wouldn't make ANY money.

Imo kyoto is like plastic t*t surgery, it's so perfect but very very sterile and much too smooth, you can find 1000s of these (tracks, not...aaw well) on the world.

Just try an lx4/6 on any FE combo, if you get used to it it just feels like the track was made for these cars.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
yeeee Jack I know :-) I've worked with fireGL for 3 years...
Just wanted to state that for some people expensive means better... wanna spend 5000 bucks? here ya go :-) IF you need that for work it might be best. If I bought the 8800gtxultraoverclockedquadprocessorsuper512bitram I'd not be any happier than I am now, but poorer because I don't NEED it for the stuff I am doing :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Sorry for hijacking this thread, maybe Matt can learn something by this discussion too...

8800GT the best? I'm not completely against you for no reason, but it ALWAYS depends on how much you want to spend, what kind of games and how much you're playing. Also different manufacturers build "the same" cards with totally different specs!!! THE BEST card you can get is mostly some overkill thingie with a gig of ram or two, I just found a card for 5699€!

PNY Quadro FX4600SDI

Do you need that? Do you want to display big Models of car interiors with a few million polygons and all the wiring on 30 monitors or in 3d-caves? I'm pretty sure not. :-)
But it might be the best card you know.

Just an example here: I have sensible ears, also I have to pay for the electricity I use. I mostly play lfs, so I've watched some reviews and found my card. It's very quiet, it can handle dx10 (screw vista!!! I'm still on xp) and it can bring up to 300 fps onto my 22' flat screen with high res and aa, af whatever. Plus it cost me 130€, and I never any problems with it. So if the threadstarter HAS the money I'd tell him to get the

XFX GeForce 8800Ultra Extreme

and can play everything maxed and be happy! I personally wouldn't ever want to spend that much on a cardboard with silicone on it :-)

Notice again, this is no rant against anything, just stating my opinion once more :-)


der amd-fanboy-but-intel-user-butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Edited :-)
I just think people want to make others buy the same products they have...


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Ati card is more than you'd need, board is also cool.

Please, dear fanboys, just because you have a GeForce card it does NOT mean EVERYONE has to get one. And for the board, I have taken a msi p35 neo2-fr (about 70€, 45-40 pounds), just because it had the same specs than a gigabyte one but was cheaper.
My cooler of choice was a thermaltake bigtyp 120, that one is HUGE but without overclocking my e6550 my idle/load temps are at 27/35°C.
For your virus/firewall programs I'd say there are quite good freeware solutions around. That way you can save a bit and invest in other hardware. :-)
Vista is not my kind of thing, but i'm too biased to say something here :-) see 2nd sentence.


der butz
Last edited by der butz, .
der butz
S3 licensed
We'd have to get a ts server with 1000 slots :-)

Aaaah, sometimes I just LOVE spamming around in a useless thread!

BTW: I'll not shave my beard ujntil it's longer than Dru's :-)


der butz